Avastars FAQ: An Intro to Ethereum's Best On-Chain Art Project
Q: What are Avastars?
A: Avastars is a blockchain project that has pioneered a new technology allowing all the artwork and metadata to be stored entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. They are unique avatars that you can buy, sell, and trade with other people.
Q: How do I buy Avastars?
A: Discovery is how you can randomly generate unique Avastars. Users can scroll down the webpage until you find one that you like, and then add that to your basket. You can add/remove as many Avastars as you like to your basket prior to completing your purchase.

Q: Ok, so I have an Avastar. What can I do with it?
A: When you acquire an Avastar, you're acquiring everything including the image metadata and the rights to the image. Thanks to Avastars's pioneering digital asset ownership license, all Avastar owners can use the image of their unique Avastar however they wish. The only thing you are not permitted to do is use your Avastar for a hateful purpose.
Q: Can you explain more on what Scrolling is?
A: Discovery is the mechanism that allows you to scroll through Avastars and continuously generate nearly infinite combinations of Traits. This mechanism ensures that every Avastar minted for purchase has been carefully curated and hand-selected.
Q: How much do Avastars cost?
A: This depends on the type of (rarity) you would like to purchase. The cost for each is set out as follows: Common = 0.07 ETH, Uncommon = 0.14 ETH, Rare = 0.28 ETH, Epic = 0.56, ETH Legendary = 1.2 ETH.
Q: What is different with Avastars compared to other blockchain projects?
A: The combination of the images and metadata living natively on the Ethereum blockchain with the scrolling mechanism creates an extremely durable and highly curated token that separates Avastars from every other blockchain project.
Q: Why is having all the artwork and metadata living on the blockchain important?
A: We believe this should be industry standard, but right now it is not. Having all the artwork and metadata living on the blockchain means that even if the company Avastars shuts down, all the Avastar art and data will still be available to the owners of the avatars. They cannot be deleted or removed from the blockchain, so once you own an Avastar you own everything about that Avastar. Similar projects rely on a 3rd party to host their metadata, which means that owning the complete token is dependent on the continued support of those companies.
Q: How many Avastars are there going to be?
A: There will be 5 Generations of Avastars, and we are currently releasing Generation 1. Each Generation will have 5 Series of Avastars and each Series is capped at 5000 per series. These will all be considered “Prime Avastars” and will be capped at 25,000.
Q: What are Replicants?
A: Once Prime Avastars have hit their hard cap, we will introduce the ability to “build your own” Avastar using Traits from the Prime Avastars you own. These Avastars are called Replicants. Replicants do not come with Trait copies to build more Replicants, they can only be created from Primes. Each Prime comes with 1 copy of each of its 12 Traits.
Q: What are Genes?
A: Each Avastar Prime and Avastar Replicant has 12 Genes. The following are the gene categories: Skin Tone, Hair Style, Eye Color, Background Color, Backdrop, Ears, Face, Nose, Mouth, Facial Feature, Eyes, and Hairstyle. These genes are expressed as “Traits.”
Q: Are there different rarities among the Traits?
A: There are 5 different rarity categories for Traits, including: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Traits are also capped depending on the series: Common Traits retire after every 1st series, Uncommon Traits retire after every 2nd Series, Rare Traits retire after every 3rd Series, Epic Traits retire after every 4th series, and Legendary Traits retire at the end of each Generation.
Q: What are Founder and Exclusive Avastars?
A: Every generation of Avastars has a special series of Avastar Primes called Founders and Exclusives. Founders are numbered #0 - #99 and are paired together, male and female, and have themes assigned to them that will be obvious when looking at them side by side. Exclusive Avastars are numbered #100 - #199, and these are mascots, special gifts, and promotional Avastars for giveaways and contests. Both Founders and Exclusives are special Avastars that exist outside of any Series or the Replicants.
Q: How do I know if I have found a good or rare Avastar?
A: When you click on an Avastar you can view its rarity score. The Avastar will have a rarity score of 1-100, which is determined by the rarity of its Traits. An example would be if the Avastar had all 12 Common Traits; this would make it a very rare Avastar practically speaking, even though its score would be 1. Conversely, if you found an Avastar with 12 Legendary Traits, it would be very rare and its score would be 100.
Q: Are the Traits going to be the same through the whole of each Series?
A: No. Generation 1 starts the 1st run of Traits. Let’s say you buy an Avastar with mostly Common Traits. You may think that wouldn't make it very rare, but once Gen1 Series 1 sells out all the Common Traits change, so those Traits won’t be available again. There are a few exceptions to this. The face shapes will change every 3 series, and the skin tones will stay the same through all 5 series. Every other Trait you can expect a predictable pattern. Below is a breakdown of how this system will work:
Common Traits change out every single series. Uncommon Traits trade out every two series. You'll have the same Uncommon Traits in series #1 and #2. They will change to new ones for series #3 and #4. Uncommon traits will change the last time in series #5. Rare Traits change every three series. You'll have the same Rare Traits for series #1, #2, and #3. There will be a different set of Traits for series #4 and #5. Epic Traits run for four series. You will have the same Epic Traits for series #1, #2, #3 and #4. Series #5 will get all-new Epic Traits. Legendary Traits stay the same throughout series #1-#5.
Q: How do you store Avastars on the blockchain?
A: Each Avastar has its art stored on the Ethereum blockchain. We upload 1 base image of each Trait to one of our smart contracts and then use that copy for every Avastar that has that genetic trait. Our smart contracts can then render the portrait by referencing metadata and assembling the art.
Q: Do you host the Avastar data on your own servers?
A: No, the metadata is stored on the blockchain! Whether we continue to exist or not, you'll always have it.
Q: What is the Digital Asset Ownership License?
A: The Full digital asset ownership license will be available on the Avastars website and a copy will be attached to every Avastar. In short, the license means that you have a license to the copyright and commercial use of each Avastar you own. Please view the license in full for a more complete understanding.
Q: Who designed the art for Avastars?
A: The artists who worked on the first generation of Avastars are Marmota and Milky. They reside in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and have worked with brands like Adidas, Burger King, and Hyundai. Future generations of Avastars will have new artists involved.
Avastars Links of Interest
Website - https://avastars.io/
Github - https://dapp-wizards.github.io/Avastars-Contracts/#/
Audit - https://avastarsaudit.now.sh/
Etherscan - https://etherscan.io/token/0xf3e778f839934fc819cfa1040aabacecba01e049 OpenSea - https://opensea.io/assets/avastar
Nonfungible.com - https://nonfungible.com/market/history/avastars
Avastar - https://avastars.io/avastar/TokenID
Avastar Image - https://avastars.io/media/TokenID
Avastar Metadata - https://avastars.io/metadata/TokenID
Digital Asset Ownership License - https://nft.substack.com/p/the-digital-asset-ownership-license
Replicant Builder by @daLenz - http://arp.lenz.gr/