Breaking Down the 1st Week of Avastars Gen1 Series 2
It’s now been a little over one week since Avastars Gen1 Series 2 launched, and collectors have already minted nearly half of the 5,000 Primes available in this run. With interest in Avastars higher than ever, we wanted to break down the top happenings from the first week of Gen1 Series 2 so the community can have more of a bird’s-eye view of Avastars on the rise.

Hot Start
We expect things to be bustling at the start of any Series launch, as our community of collectors get excited to pick up Primes with all-new Traits. Gen1 Series 2 certainly lived up to our expectations in this regard.
As of June 15th, the third day after Series 2 launched, Avastars rocketed up to 2nd place in the NFT economy’s weekly volume charts according to market data from NonFungible.
Pictured below: NFT trade volume per for week of 6/8/2020 to 6/15/2020.

As of June 19th — or one week after the Series 2 launch — Avastars was still in the top 5 projects on NonFungible’s weekly NFT volume charts. At that time, the NFT analytics site found nearly 2,000 Avastars sales had been made on the week for the equivalent of nearly 300 ETH in transactions. In that span, the average USD price of an Avastars buy was ~$36.
Pictured below: Avastars is still seeing considerable volume one week into Series 2 according to NonFungible data. Screenshot is from 6/19/2020.

Additionally, data from NFT marketplace OpenSea indicates that after one week into Series 2 there now are roughly 7,250 Primes in existence, +850 ETH in total Avastars volume, and an average Prime fetching price of 0.93 ETH across Gen1 Series 1 and just under half of Series 2.
Pictured below: OpenSea has the receipts …

System Overload!
Not long after we kicked off Gen1 Series 2 on June 12th, the server started getting swamped with some +100,000 requests. At this point we started getting rate limited, and we realized we were on the wrong end of an acute botnet attack. In response, we turned off our metadata endpoints overnight and waited to see if the dust would settle, so to speak.
On Saturday we ran into more problems, though. Our minters temporarily stopped as our oracle was attacked. To better protect Avastars from these kinds of problems in the future, we upgraded our Infura infrastructure among other things. After peace returned we reactivated our media endpoints and things have been smooth sailing ever since.
With all that said, we’d like to sincerely apologize for the inconveniences this episode caused to our community members while it was ongoing. We’re still investigating exactly what happened, but the actions against us appear to be linked to similar and contemporaneous attacks made against other dapps like OpenSea and the Gas Station Network (GSN). We’re committed to moving ahead on the strongest footing possible, and the wisdom earned from these problems will make our execution that much more flawless going forward. Your patience and passion means everything to us.
Bounties Galore
As part of the Gen1 Series 2 launch festivities, we’ve been holding bounty contests to further incentivize all you ravenous scrollers out there.
If you find one of the unique Trait combos that we’ve highlighted, you can earn upwards of 0.14 ETH or 100 $WHALE. The initial contests were as follows:
6/12 Bounty 1: Common, Female, Space Helmet, Greek Nose, and Female Face 1; for .14 ETH / 100 $WHALE
6/12 Bounty 2: Common, Male, Admiral’s Hat, Fleshy (Nose), and Any (Face); for .14 ETH / 100 $WHALE
6/13 Bounty 3: Uncommon, Female, Giant Bow (Hair style), Bitcoin Tattoo, Mona Lisa (Nose), and Backdrop 17; for .28 ETH / 200 $WHALE
6/14 Bounty 4: Common, Male, Amber Brown (Skin tone), Black Hair, Fleshy (Nose), Short Mohawk, and Mountain Man beard; for .14 ETH / 100 $WHALE
6/15 Bounty 5: Uncommon, Male, Male Face 9, VR Googles, and Messy Braids (Hair style); for .28 ETH / 200 $WHALE
6/18 Bounty 6: Common, Male, Any Legendary skin tone, Straight (Nose), Taped Nerdy (Eyes); for .14 ETH / 100 $WHALE
And these are just the bounties from the first week of Gen1 Series 2. Be sure to stay tuned to our social media feeds in order to keep updated on our newest and ongoing bounty offerings. If you’re interested in pulling the trigger on a bounty but want to make sure it’s still active, feel free to reach out to us on Discord any time. We’re happy to help.
That’s all for today’s post folks, so thanks for reading and check back soon for the full rundown on Series 2 that we’ll have out once the 5,000 cap is reached. It shouldn’t take too long at the rate things are currently going!